1.) Bear posted a review on Karmas message board http://www.karmaswrestlingretro.com/ and this is in part what he had to say " A lot of his stories were familiar to me, But in this arena, he had a chance to go into them as in depth as he wanted and this led to some stories, like Victor the Bear, being so much more vivid, detailed and hilarious. Without giving up too much of the show, I will say he did a great bit on Vinny Mac, Had a retrospective & "Live" Pipers Pit segment, a dedicated segment to "The Frats", and kept the audience hanging on every word. Mean Gene was on the bill as well & had his own segment where he shared some his own wrestling memories. Then Hot Rod came out to join him, and they reminisced on past events together, although with not exactly the same recollections. They still have a really good chemistry between them. All in All it was AWESOME!! I'd say most of the crowd was 30 or older, but all the younger ones I observed seemed to have just as much fun as the older fans who were around to appreciate Rod's matches first hand. A warning for the kiddies, that the show does have some "Blue" language & Bawdy humor, But that is part of Roddy charm,....He tell's it like it is, with his unique charisma, only the way that he can.
There was also an autograph section with Hot Rod afterwards, where he spent some time with each fan. I got to talk only briefly with Rod, I didn't want to hold up the line for the other eagerly waiting fans, and he posed for a new pic with the family, But he gave his regards to the Screamin' DeVilles and said he'd give us some promo on the tour, which I hadn't ask for, But thought was really cool that he offered.
So, What's the Bottom Line? Well, I may be biased, Bit I give it a 10 out of 10. He definately left you wanting more of the show after it was over. If any of his other shows were closer, I'd probably go see another one.
2.) Rev. Sysyphus said...
Just got back home from the Bellingham show. My son and I had the BEST time! We showed up at 5pm to be first in line and as such scored front row dead center! The show was wonderful and Roddy was such a gentleman waiting as long as it took to spend a few minutes with each and every fan after the show. He was even nice enough to not only sign the pictures we purchased and my WrestleMania XIX program (right over Hogans face like I asked!) but he also signed the large crib sheet that gave a rough outline of the show's 1st act that was at the foot of the stage that I swiped after the show! There was one for each act and they were made so he would not wander too far off course and being an ADHD sufferer myself I totally understand! He seemed amused that I snaked the crib sheet telling me how much they help him and singed it with a large and elaborate signature. Truly an item I will forever treasure! I plan to take the big crib sheet and the photos and ticket stubs and create a large framed peice that celebrates the evening my son and I shared with the one, the only, Rowdy Roddy Piper! I cannot give Roddy and his staff enough thanks for putting on such a great show and for being so accomodating to the fans. You are one class act Mr. Piper!
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